Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dissent and Coercion

Man, I feel like I talk about this all the time, but it’s such a prevalent and necessary issue. The U.S. Government – a corrupt, double dealing, thief, stealing from the poor and the middle class to make their rich buddies richer, passing crippling and invasive legislation that contradicts and disposes of the constitution, all the while lying to the American Public to promote its own agenda of greed and world domination. With a definition like that, who needs the rest of the blog post right? Wrong!

I just can’t seem to post enough about this stuff, but the more I post, the less people listen. We Americans have all but left our senses at the door and fallen head first trusting in the government whole heartedly. Which is not surprising in the least, the government teaches us what to believe without us even realizing it. Public school, what a joke, we allow our kids to be taught whatever the government wants and don’t even second guess what their learning. We justify occupying over 130 countries through the guise of spreading democracy. We stage coups to set up other governments how we see fit and create military organizations in other countries to serve our interests like Al Qaida. We the people have let the leaders of our country create a hugely expensive and immoral empire we can’t hope to pay for. All the while relinquishing our freedoms so the government can route out imaginary terrorists and restore order to our chaos filled America. We must follow the example of true patriots of this country like Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, and Alex Jones who believe in the constitution and will spend their lives fighting the tyranny of our corrupt government.

Misplaced Hate

The blog entry Combating Islamophobic Violence  presents the many acts of violence against Muslim Americans and uses them to prove the point of how prejudice and unjustly hostile Americans are toward those of the muslim faith. Before reading this blog post i had little to no knowledge of these violent attacks towards the muslims, such as burning down their mosks, spray painting their houses, and leaving lit fireworks on their doorstep after ringing the doorbell. These are quite serious offenses that have unsurprisingly gone un-noticed by many Americans, I think mostly due to the American Media all but refusing to shed a compassionate or even defensive light on the Muslim faith/community. If they did it would hurt the war effort and thereby make their wallets lighter, but hey thats just my opinion, research it for yourself. Whatever justification We the People think we have to execute our prejudice through violent acts of vandilism is misguided and illogical at best.
Personally I believe the Twin Towers were brought down by thermite and explosives used by our corrupt government in an attempt to gain support for the invasion of middle eastern countries, but hey, yall can believe a couple of angry religious extremists brought down two massize steel towers with two aluminum tubes and some jet fuel if you want to.